We work very hard to ensure that every child feels supported and valued and understands the part they play in making our school the happy place it is.
A strong sense of family and community is apparent in the school which can be seen in the daily routines and interactions between pupils and staff and parents.
Pupils respect each other and are proud of their school. They are keen to contribute to their community and take their responsibilities seriously. Standards of awareness and self-discipline are excellent.
Pupils know they can turn to staff if they have any concerns and are well supported by a high level of pastoral care through effective tutoring and reward systems that incentivise good behaviour.
Older pupils also understand that they are role models for younger pupils and they relish this responsibility.
The quality of spiritual, moral, social and cultural development is excellent at Sunninghill. A positive multi denominational ethos permeates the school and the result is an inclusive, open and welcoming community. Pupils are accepting of others who are different from themselves and pupils learn about other faiths, cultures and diversity.