Form 1 – Form 4
Junior Prep

Main Aims
In Junior Prep, we aim to build on the firm foundations of our Early Years. We strive to set a strong fire burning for the joy of learning that will last throughout their school lives and beyond.
Our small class sizes allow us to get to know each child and tailor our teaching and learning to meet their needs. At this early stage we are not eager to overly measure each child against what is perceived to be a national average. We prefer to set each child individual challenges and targets to enable them to meet their full potential.
Mrs Emma Sleightholme is the Head of Junior Prep. Her role is to oversee the emotional, physical and educational well-being of all the children in her care. She has the most wonderfully talented and experienced teachers in her team, all of whom are superbly supported by a Learning Assistant.
School Day
Our Junior Prep children start their day at 8.10am. The children have registration with their class teacher and begin their lessons at 8.30am.
For lunch a delicious, healthy hot meal is freshly prepared by our chef and her team. We encourage good table manners and the eating of a healthy and balanced diet with lots of fruit and vegetables included. After lunch the children have an opportunity to play together in our lovely grounds. The end of day is 3.30 pm for Forms 1 and 2 and 4.00pm for Forms 3 and 4. There is a late stay provision until 6pm if required.
We have whole-school assemblies twice a week and a Junior Prep assembly on top of this. Assemblies present an opportunity for our pupils to reflect on key issues and to develop their spiritual, moral, social and cultural values. Our whole-school assemblies are a chance for the teachers and children from Reception to Form 8 to come together. Twice a year each class is given an opportunity to lead a whole-school assembly which helps the children to build their confidence. We welcome parents and grandparents to join us to see their children in action and find out about a topic or theme they have been focusing on in class.
There is an after school club from the end of the school day until 6pm. Here the children have an opportunity to read and complete their homework as well as play both inside and out, accessing a range of activities including board games, drawing and construction toys. A high tea can be ordered for a small extra charge.
In Junior Prep the curriculum is rich, broad and varied with the use of a range of creative learning styles. Personal Learning and Thinking Skills (PLTs) feature strongly from day to day to develop an independent style of learning in readiness for the move up to Senior Prep in Form 5. The teachers view the whole of the school grounds and the local area as their designated classrooms and take every opportunity to take learning outdoors and enrich their education.
From Form 1, the children are with their class teacher for English, Maths and Topic (Religious Education, Science, Geography and History) and PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education). They also benefit from a host of specialist teachers sharing the joy of their subject with them which includes Art, Music and Drama, French, Computing, Games and PE.
Individual music and tennis lessons are offered from Form 1. Most children in school learn at least one instrument, take ABRSM (Associated Board of the Royal Schools of Music) music examinations and have lots of opportunities to perform in public within school. They also take LAMDA (London Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) exams in the Spring term.
Sport and PE feature very strongly in the academic life of all our children. In the warmer months our outdoor pool is in constant use and over the winter we retire to the warmth of a local indoor pool to keep this vital skill going. In Form 3 and 4 children play sports fixtures against local schools on a Tuesday afternoon. Tasty match teas always follow when we play at home.
On Friday afternoon all children follow an Enrichment Programme where they experience new and exciting activities and challenges. Examples of this might be eco schools work, forest school, sailing, cycling proficiency, design & technology and much more.
From Form 1, children have the opportunity to sign up to a range of extra-curricular lunchtime and after school activities. These include sports clubs, horse riding, musical activities, foreign languages and Make and Bake.