Child Protection Advice for Staff & Visitors | Sunninghill Prep Skip to main content

Safeguarding and Child Protection Advice for Staff, Volunteers and Visitors

Sunninghill Prep school is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and requires all staff, volunteers and visitors to share this commitment. The school has a Safeguarding Policy which is available on our website.


What are your responsibilities?


All those who come into contact with children in this school have a duty of care towards all children. This means you must act at all times in a way that will promote their safety and welfare. It is your responsibility to keep your child protection training up to date; you might be asked for evidence of this.


Security of children, staff, volunteers and visitors


All visitors should report to reception on arrival and sign in. All visitors will be issued with a visitor’s badge which must be worn.


What do you do if you are worried about a child?


If you have a concern about a child, particularly if you think they maybe suffering or at risk of suffering harm, it is your responsibility to share the information promptly with the Designated Safeguarding Lead (DSL) or Deputy.

The following is not an exhaustive list but you might become concerned as a result of:

  • Seeing a physical injury which you believe to be non-accidental
  • Observing something in the appearance of a child which leads you to think their needs are being neglected
  • A child telling you that they have been subjected to some form of abuse.

In any of these circumstances you must write down what you observed or heard, date and sign the account and give it to the DSL or a Deputy.


What should you do if a child discloses that they are being harmed?


If a child talks to you about (discloses) sexual, physical, emotional abuse or neglect you:

  • Listen carefully without interruption
  • Only ask sufficient questions to clarify what you have heard. You might not need to ask anything but, if you do, you must not ‘lead’ the child in any way so should only ask ‘open’ questions
  • Make it clear you are obliged to pass the information on, but only to those who need to know
  • Tell the DSL or Deputy without delay
  • Write an account of the disclosure as soon as you are able (definitely the same day), date and sign it and give it to the DSL.

Do not ask the child to repeat the disclosure to anyone else in school, ask them or any other child to write a ‘statement’, or inform parents. You are not expected to make a judgement about whether the child is telling the truth.


How do you ensure that your behaviour is always appropriate?


Appropriate relationships with children should be based on mutual trust and respect.

Unprofessional contact (such as through social media sites) may leave you vulnerable to an allegation being made against you. You must follow the principles of safer working practice, which include use of technology – on no account should you contact or take images of children on personal equipment, including your mobile phone. If the behaviour of another adult in the school gives rise to concern you must report it to the Headmaster.

Remember – share any concerns, don’t keep them to yourself.

Operation Encompass


As part of a Dorset Police initiative Sunninghill have been given the opportunity to take part in Operation Encompass, a project that runs jointly between schools and Dorset Police.

You can find out more below via a letter produced by Operation Encompass and their website.



Designated Safeguarding Lead:

Sarah Smith
Telephone: 01305 262306

Deputy Safeguarding Leads:

Lecca Moss
Emma Sleightholme
Ian Stazicker

Designated Safeguarding Lead for Nursery:

Hristina Morava

Domestic Abuse


If you need help or advice on any aspect of domestic abuse, please follow the link below.