E-Safety at Sunninghill Prep - Protecting Children Online Skip to main content

E Safety

Internet Safety


Internet safety is incredibly important to us at Sunninghill. We believe that teaching your child to be internet savvy in this digital world is as essential as teaching them to swim.

This page provides resources to help keep everyone safe online.

It is necessary to talk to your child about their internet use from KS1 as this is often when they first start to use sites such as ‘Club Penguin’ or ‘Moshi Monsters’ which allow players to ‘chat’ online. Young children find it difficult to understand a ‘penguin’ who says they are 5 years old may actually be an adult. Having been taught to tell the truth, they are vulnerable when asked to give out personal information.

Report Harmful Content


Report Harmful Content can help you to report harmful content online by providing up to date information on community standards and direct links to the correct reporting facilities across multiple platforms. Click on the logo below to report harmful content.

Below is a list of information sources to keep you up-to-date with the latest issues.

Useful information websites for advice and guidance:


  • Advice for parents and young people about coping with all types of bullying: Anti-bullying advice website
  • Useful website on all internet matters including cyberbullying; mobiles and devices tech guide and setting parental controls: Internetmatters
  • NSPCC website on keeping children safe: NSPCC
  • Advice on how to talk to your children and technical advice: Childnet International
  • UK Safer Internet Advice: UK Safer Internet Centre
  • CEOP Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre Parent Information: Parent info
  • Report a serious incident and general advice: Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify threats and bring offenders to account. To report any form of internet abuse or cyberbullying directly, click here.
  • You can download a document that shares tips for supporting young people online here.

For advice in school, please contact: dsl@sunninghill.dorset.sch.uk

E-Safety policy: Policy

For advice out of school hours, please contact the Children’s Advice & Duty Service if you are worried about a child.

Professionals number: 01305 228558

Families and members of the public: 01305 228866

Top Ten E-Safety Tips for Children


  1. Always think of your personal safety first when using ICT or your mobile phone or any device. Remember it is easy for anyone to lie about who they are online, so you can never really be sure about who you are talking to.
  2. Do not give out any personal information about yourself online to people you do not know. This includes your full name, address, street name, postcode, or school name. Only ever give out your location as Dorset.
  3. Never give your contact number to anyone who you do not know.
  4. Use a nickname rather than your real name.
  5. Never meet people that you have only spoken to online. If you do decide to meet up with anyone in real life then make sure you take a trusted adult with you and meet in a public place at a busy time.
  6. Never give out pictures online or over a mobile. It is easy for people to take your pictures and alter them, send them on, or even pretend to be you with them.
  7. Always use private settings whenever you are setting up a social networking page or an Instant Messenger account.
  8. Anything you post or upload to the internet is there forever so be very careful what you put online.  Sometimes potential employers and universities look at your digital footprint.
  9. Never go onto webcam with people you do not know in real life. Webcam images can be recorded and copied and also shared with other people.
  10. If you receive any messages or pictures that worry or upset you, talk to an adult you trust. You may also report it online, via the Thinkuknow website, or CEOP.

Friendly WiFi


At Sunninghill, we take your child’s safety seriously and we are pleased to say our internet provision has been independently approved. Our service meets the stringent filtering standards and excludes unwanted web, pages known by the Internet Watch Foundation to be unsafe for children.

Friendly WiFi is a worldwide government-initiated safe certification standard for WiFi. If you’d like to know more, click on the logo below to visit their website.